Mushroom Logs
Mushroom Spawn Logs
Mushroom spawn 'logs' are cylindrical shaped and plastic wrapped. They are comprised of hardwood sawdust that has been mixed with select varieties of mushroom spawn and then cultivated under appropriate conditions.

Frozen Logs
Spawn logs are shipped frozen in freezer containers and arrive frozen...and then can be stored frozen and removed from the freezer for placement in the appropriate temperature/humidity/CO2 and light controlled structure according to recommendations for the particular variety chosen. They remain stable and viable when kept frozen for up to six months, and can be brought incrementally to the growing racks over this 6 month period to suit demand and market needs.
If the growing room is adjacent to a veg production unit the CO2 can be used to supplement the veggies and increase production by 20% -30% or more.
If solar single slope greenhouses are used and the mushroom grow units are placed on the north side of the greenhouse the additional buffering of north wind and cold can significantly reduce heat requirements and buffer the temp in the greenhouse.
These 'logs' have a long history and are in use internationally...but are little utilized in North America by local growers. This will change once the value of this tech is recognized.

Shiitake & Oyster Popular Varieties
Shiitake/oyster/king oyster etc. can be chosen but a cost-benefit analysis should be undertaken according to the particular market/growing conditions available in the local area. The shiitake and oyster mushrooms are a more niche market, do not ship well and there is minimal competition compared to 'button' mushroom mass producers.
Oyster varieties are available that do not require hydration during the second flush and fully flush in approx. one month. Depending upon sales prices the ROI on the purchase price of the logs can be little more than a month. Shiitake and most other oyster mushroom varieties take 2+ months for 2-3 flushes and require some hydration/labor over this time period, depending upon variety. A great number of species are available and Morels are a desirable type that will soon be available. Since oyster mushrooms, in particular, don’t ship long distances well, stores and chefs prefer to buy from local growers. Also, all material in the substrate and spawn are natural so acceptance is high.
Production Values
Shiitake log
size = 18x60 cm
weight = 2.5kg (5.6lbs) pc
production yield rate = 800g-1000g (1.75-2.3 lb) pc
Oyster log
size = 23x45 cm
weight = 2.75kg (6 lb.) per pc
production yield rate = 1250-1500g (2.75-3.3 lbs.) per pc